Outer Reflections: The Hidden Truth & Untold Black History

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The Hidden Truth & Untold Black History

There’s a deep reservoir of wisdom amongst us. A rich history hidden from our view.

These untold stories have become overgrown doorways of truth, capable of transcending generations.

It’s time to uncover the secrets that have been tucked away in the minds of historians, religious leaders and educators for ages.

We must reveal the concealed truth the history books have so conveniently left out.

Black History They Never Told You About

Before I jump into these powerful truths I’ve uncovered over the years, let me mention two imperative things:

  1. At the depths of it all, we are ONE People. The intention of this post is to share the hidden history of one of the most oppressed groups in American history.
  2. Being half Scottish and half African American, I’ve noticed some huge differences between these ethnicities.

The biggest difference is the lack of family history on my father’s side (African American side). Though my mother was adopted from Scotland, I can still trace back my ancestors for generations. On the flipside, I can only trace my ancestry back to post slavery days (1863) on my father’s side.

Imagine that for a moment.

What if your family history could only be traced back to your great grandparents because of the 300+ years of slavery that tore your family apart?

Let us shine a compassionate light of truth on the dis-eases that have plagued our political systems for centuries. Primarily the dis-ease of extreme racism.

Here are some empowering, uplifting and rarely communicated facts about black history.

Black History That Should Be Taught To The Youth

#1 – African Empires – Did you know that some of the largest civilizations in human history were African Empires? Here’s a small list of all the pre-colonial empires that spanned from 3000 B.C. to 1600 A.D. (that’s 4,500 years of ancient civilizations)

  • Kerma Civilization (Sudan and Egypt)
  • Egyptian Empire (Egypt)
  • Kingdom of Kush (Northern Africa)
  • Kingdom of Axum (Ethiopia)
  • Kingdom of Ife (Nigeria)
  • Ghana Empire (Horn of Africa)
  • Mali Empire (West Africa)
  • Kingdom of Songhai (West Africa)

*Please note: The oldest human bones were discovered in Africa (near Ethiopia). These bones of the famous lady they named “Lucy” dates back 3.2 million years. Who knows how many civilizations there were 3.2 million years ago until 1600 A.D.

#2 – Incredible Influence of the Moors – Type in Moors in Google and feast on a plate of knowledge you probably never knew about. The Moors were a very intelligent and powerful group of Africans. They helped develop infrastructure throughout Europe and the Middle East.

The Moors also help spread the knowledge and wisdom of medicine, education, and paper.

#3 – Writing and Mathematics – The first written documents were discovered near Egypt. These writings date back to 3000 B.C. In addition to the written word, many ancient Africans were mathematical geniuses demonstrating their ability to construct pyramids and stone temples that align with the stars with exact precision.

#4 – Religious Wisdom – From Ra the sun-God of Egypt to the story of Amon and Osiris, stories about Queen Sheba, the ark of the covenant and even Jesus the Christ growing up in Egypt, Africa is rich in religious wisdom. Yet when we flip through the pictures of the mystics, prophets and religious leaders, few of them resemble the African race. Why?

#5 – Ancient Sailors – African empires set sail to the Americas long before a man named Christopher Columbus did. One of the first documented instances of Africans sailing and settling in the Americas were black Egyptians led by King Ramses III, during the 19th dynasty in 1292 BC. In 1300’s A.D. the Mali Empire set sail numerous times across the Atlantic.

*Small note: my great friends who are of African descent and live on the coast of Honduras are the descendents of these early African sailors. In fact, this group of people, the Garifuna have never been enslaved.

#6 – Martin Luther King Jr.’s Wisdom – I was recently listening to a rare speech from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and he mentioned 4 things that shook my being:

  • Before the Mayflower landed on Plymouth Rock in Maryland, African Americans were here in America.
  • Before the “founding fathers” etched their signatures of the historic Constitution, African Americans were in America.
  • Before the star spangled banner was thought of, African Americans were here.
  • American capitalism itself is a product of slavery and has been built upon the backs of slaves and land taken from Natives.
    • African Americans built the impressive mansions of the south, worked for meager wages building railways, drilling oil wells and making cotton king

#7 – Take Land, Give Land – When European immigrants arrived in America, they had open land to choose from. A vast majority were told to claim land in the western states, land taken from the Native Americans. Unfortunately, the minorities and slaves never had this equal opportunity. This large disparity is still prevalent today, just look at who own the ports and luxurious areas of your community.

#8 – 50 Years –  It was only 50 years ago that my Grandma and Grandpa Lee, who were born in Jackson, Mississippi and Little Rock, Arkansas had the same rights as my Grandma and Grandpa Seely who were born in small town in Central Utah. The differences between these two sides of my family are extreme and I would say it has everything to do with the unequal rights my father’s side faced from the hands of my European ancestors.

#9 – Dawn of a New Era – The time has come for us to heal this inner disease that still ripples through our world. The time has come for us to shine a light of truth and compassion upon the dark past of racism. We can no longer hide the truth, instead we should share the ugly reality of the past with a hope to heal the deep wounds and enlighten future generations. We must heal our suffering system with love, truth and understanding.

#10 – Change Your Outlook and Perspective – Intentionally see everyone as equal.

Untold History

We are all One.

Be grateful.

Learn from everything and everyone.

Check out Part 2 of the Ancient, Untold Black History Here.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life

Untold Black History Photo Credit: walter callens http://bit.ly/1LUFM2B


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Outer Reflections: The Hidden Truth & Untold Black History
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