Power of Thoughts: How to Think Consciously

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How to Think Consciously

I remember when I first stumbled across the realization, I am not my thoughts.

For many years, even decades, I didn’t understand that the thoughts floating through my mind were my creation. Instead, I believed I was at the mercy of these thoughts.

As the years passed, I continued to gravitate towards the thoughts that reaffirmed the reality I was experiencing. Unfortunately, at that time my reality was centered around struggling, so my thoughts were comprised of ideas that focused on unworthiness, limitation, adversity, fear and doubt.

Unaware, I continued running towards these “dark” ideas, allowing temporary clouds to become my reality.

Through the process of meditation, study and being around some inspirational individuals, I discovered that I am not my thoughts, I am that which enables my thoughts to be.

This realization brought with it a great freedom. With this freedom came great responsibility.

This was the first time in my life I realized I was the source of my thoughts. I was the source of the feelings of unworthiness, fear and lack.

As this realization continued to reveal itself, I saw that the thoughts I’d attached myself to in the past fueled the choices in my life. Those choices directed my actions and began to co-create my experience.

Today, I am grateful to recognize the creative ability we have in our lives. It’s my hope you too will stumble across the realization that you’re the source behind all thoughts, choices and actions in your life.

You are not at the mercy of thoughts, you are that which enables thoughts to be. (Three Key Tweet)

Power Behind the Thoughts

I invite you to quiet your mind, center your spirit and become still, asking yourself, what empowers the thoughts that flow through my mind?

In the stillness of your being, you can begin to witness the common denominator to all thoughts floating through your consciousness. The common denominator is You.

In the stillness of our being, we see that the thoughts in our mind are not any more solid than a puffy cloud floating through the sky on a clear summer’s day.

If you’re anything like me, then it can be difficult at first to quiet our mind enough to recognize that we’re the source of our thoughts. After all, the majority of us think and think and think without ever questioning the truth of these thoughts, let alone the source.

As we increase our awareness to this powerful truth, we are no longer victims of our current situation or state of the world, we become the solution.

This solution lies 100% within our individual consciousness.

Molding Our World

As we quiet our noisy minds and take the endless journey inward, we not only recognize that we are the source of our thoughts, we see we’ve been molding our lives for quite some time with those thoughts.

This becomes obvious for those who look beneath the surface of their physical experience.

Our individual thoughts cluster together within our consciousness. These thoughts may be influenced by the news, our friends, our beliefs and our current reality. As these thoughts cluster together and we attach to them, they empower our mind to draw certain conclusions which help us make choices and eventually actions.

The more we can see this creative process taking place in our lives, the more we recognize that our thoughts are the raw materials for the co-creation of our lives.

Our thoughts literally create the mold for our experience. Our choices, feelings, emotions and actions fill that mold, creating our experience of life.

The question becomes, what are you creating in your experience?

Beginning to Think Consciously

I don’t want to get too woo-woo or spiritual for you so I’ll express it this way.

For starters, we can begin recognizing the thoughts that resurface in our minds each day.

As these thoughts surface, don’t judge them, instead ask, where did these thoughts come from and do I embrace them as true?

As you practice this exercise you’ll see you have the ability to think consciously.

Through this practice you’ll start to understand that you’re the solution to all your struggles. You’ll also remember that the answers to life’s most perplexing problems lie within the mind we use to assemble our reality.

Taking responsibility for our thoughts requires us to increase our awareness. Unfortunately, awareness and conscious thinking aren’t things many of us do, including myself, so I came up with 3 keys to help us embrace this universal truth.

3 Key Ways to Think Consciously

#1 – The Thinker – Take a moment and explore within yourself. Try to find the part of you thinking the thoughts that are flowing through your mind. Try not to attach to the thought, but instead recognize the Essence that empowers you to think. This is the true you, the Essence of Life, connected to the Ultimate.

#2 – Assembling Our Reality – Take a moment to look out across your life and know that where you are, the place in which you live, the relationships you have and the life that you’ve created has been assembled by you. More specifically, it has been assembled through thoughts, choices and actions. Regardless of your current situation, recognize the power that lies within you. Embrace your creative ability.

#3 – Prove Your Power – Today or this week, focus upon something you’d like to create and prove to yourself that you have the power to assemble new experiences in your life. For instance, if you want to make more money, meet new people or have more peace in your day to day life, ask yourself, what thoughts must I begin thinking, what choices must I begin making and what actions will direct me to this intended goal? Use your energy to prove to yourself that you assist in the creation of your life through your thoughts, choices, and actions.

Set the mold and fill it.


What is one thing that you’d like create in your life this month?

Share your thoughts below.


Let us be grateful that we’re not at the mercy of our thoughts.

Let us be even more grateful that we can consciously direct our thoughts to assemble and create a life that we enjoy.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


Power of Thoughts: How to Think Consciously Photo Credit: h.koppdelaney via photopin cc
Power of Thoughts: How to Think Consciously
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