Turning Temporary Defeat Into Success

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Temporary Defeat and Success

Failure is often a sign that you are close to success. It may be difficult to realize this when going through a temporary defeat, but if you can refocus your mind you will see that every setback brings with it a set up for something greater.

Reflecting upon the temporary defeats in my life such as family members suffer from addiction, barely graduating high school, layoffs, struggling relationships and business endeavors crumbling have all been essential materials in constructing the life I live today.

While these experiences seemed joyless, they led me down a path to greater joy. Working through addiction with my family taught us the importance of love and non-judgement. Difficult high school experiences pushed me to excel in college. Being laid-off challenged me to get creative and never depend on an outside source for my happiness. Struggling relationships led me to the fruitful relationships I have today. Failed business endeavors helped me find my creativity, starting Three Key Life, writing books and speaking across the nation.

As Napoleon Hill says in his book, Think and Grow Rich, “For each seed of failure has an equivalent seed of success.”

It all comes down to how you choose to use your mind, your outlook, your attitude and your energy.

Greater Faith And Effort

Temporary defeat and brief failures are signs for greater effort and greater faith. When you look back at your experience have you noticed how essential the challenges and setbacks have been for the development of you?

Each struggle, challenge or failure brings with it a key that can open a door that can take you to a new level of life. On the flip side, failure can also be the paralyzing factor that causes people to doubt their gifts, talents, and abilities.

The next time you go through a temporary defeat be willing to use it as the catalyst to led you to a greater you.

Below are 3 Keys that will help you use the temporary defeats to propel you to greatness.

3 Ways Temporary Defeat Propels Your To Greatness

#1 – Self-Control – Temporary defeat is one of those things that either makes you feel like a victim to the world or reminds you that despite what the world may bring your way you are in control of you. To he or she who can rule their mind, nothing can rule them.

#2 – New Beginnings – When you face failure or temporary defeat and are reaching a point of hopelessness, sometimes all you have to do is start again. Lift your head, refocus your heart and begin something new. New beginnings bestow some of the greatest achievements. Some of the greatest people we highlight in the modern age faced defeat only to rise from the ashes and begin something extraordinary. Don’t let a small failure define your life.

#3 – Seed of Success – In the darkness of defeat and failure is the place you can find seeds of success waiting for a chance to blossom. This is because in the darkness of failure, many overlook the equivalent seeds of success and reach for seeds of average and mediocrity. You have more seeds of success within you than you could use for 10 lifetimes. Remember, seeds of success take time to grow and require attention, care, and support.

The Gems of Temporary Defeat

Look back at your experience and identify times where you felt defeated only to rise again and reach a new level of life.

Look at your life today and highlight how you can use some of the difficulties you are experiencing to help you rise to a new level.

You have power and can use it.

Be Great.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life

Turning Temporary Defeat Into Success
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