Spiritual Perfection Amidst Your Physical Imperfections

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Profound Statement

I remember the first time one of my father’s friends, who spent time studying deeper spiritual material, made this statement to me:

“Life is perfect and everything in the Universe works for my greatest good.”

Skeptical of his expression, I immediately began to counter his point by addressing all the things in the Universe, and more specifically, my life which was far from perfect.

I started with my finances and the struggling of the people closest to me. I eventually widened the scope of the imperfections I saw in the world by highlighting wars, corrupt governments and corporations, and eventually came to the birthing and destruction of the stars above us.

The truth of the matter is, I was right about all the imperfections I observed. On the flip side of the conversation, my father’s friend spoke a truth so real, it wasn’t until years later that I embraced the weight of his profound statement.

Moving Above Our Imperfections

Why do we focus so much on our imperfections?

Those things that hinder us mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Have you noticed in your life that those things which you focus on intensify and expand?

Therefore, when we set our attention upon our imperfections, those limitations we believe about ourselves and our world, they actually become the environment and cage that prevents our expansion.

But on the opposite end, we have the opportunity to embrace our spiritual perfection. We have the opportunity to become conscious and aware that the Universe truly does support us.

Magnifying Our Perfection

So what if we began to recognize our inherent perfection more than the imperfections we’ve created within our minds?

You may think that there’s no way you’re perfect, arguing in the same way I did with my father’s friend years back. This is where I must say that you are right.

The “you” that you’ve created within your mind is not perfect, in fact there are too many imperfections to count.

But as you explore this idea deeper, just as I did, you’ll  see that “you” may not be perfect, but the “I” which enables the “you” to exist is perfect.

The Life which fills us, awakes us and surrounds us is perfect. This Life is ever-present, ever expanding and forever supported throughout the Universe.

Have you recognized that even amidst the worst chaos imaginable, Life is still present?

It seems it’s our human idea of life that separates us so far from the perfection which we are.

As you start focusing on Life, not the idea of life that you’ve created, but the Life which composes the Universe, you’ll observe spiritual perfection everywhere. In the same way the imperfections you focus on expand, focusing on spiritual perfection causes that idea to expand.

See the spiritual perfection surrounding you, it’s everywhere.

Recognizing Our Spiritual Perfections

There are various ways we can begin to invite the greater good of Life into our experience and the idea of Spiritual Perfection into our consciousness.

I would like to highlight 3 practical ways you can begin honoring your spiritual perfection and embracing the ever-present support of the Life which composes you.

3 Key Ways to Honor Your Spiritual Perfection

#1 – The Soul Level – One of the first things the majority of us need to do is to begin living deeper. I spent the better part of my life living from the ego level, protecting the fragile image of “Jeffon” I worked so hard to create. It wasn’t until I dove deeper within and saw that I am not “Jeffon,” I am Life expressing through this vessel.

Yes I am my body, the Jeffon that you see, but the true me is nameless, the true me is the energy which enables my body to be. I invite you to begin to live from the soul, the Source, not the body.

#2 – See the Perfections Amongst the Imperfections – As you dive deeper into your being and recognize the Life which you are, you’ll begin to witness the perfections that fill you, specifically the power of your individual consciousness and your ability to direct your energy in this life to whatever ends you desire.

As you start to catch a glimpse of the perfection which fills all of Life, witnessing the support which fills every atom throughout our universe and every drop of energy within your being, you’ll start to see you’re much more than you thought you were. You are a spiritual being having a human experience, the Life which supports it all, Perfection.

#3 – Elevate Your Level of Consciousness – The best way to begin to raise your level of consciousness is to release the things that no longer serve you. Release all the things which keep you from seeing the beauty and perfection of Life. Some of those things may be very real, but it’s hard to expand past the level of the thing you won’t release. However, you will begin to see that as you start releasing those things which no longer serve you and begin to consciously observe the perfection of the Life which fills all things, your own understanding of who and what you are will expand.

Making This Practical

This week, be the real you…

Don’t be the “you” that you’ve spent so long creating and protecting. Be the “You” that’s forever connected to the source of Life.

Move through this week with the belief that you’re supported each and every step by this Life, this Essence which has created all, from the biggest solar system to the smallest atom in your body, it’s all One Life.

True Perfection

I would like to end this post with a Hindu scripture I discovered that highlights this idea of Perfection and how it relates to you and I.

Please keep an open mind and enjoy.

“So, the goal of Hinduism is perfection — becoming the perennial child of God?” The skeptic asked hoping to understand perfection more deeply.

“What is perfection?” the skeptic argued.

“Perfection means to make the soul the real master. It means to be perfect spiritually — to be above the senses, to be above the passions, to be above other concerns. It means to be oneself — one’s true self. The pure and true self that is perfection. Once you attain that perfection you go and be part of the will of God.

Without being perfect, your ego says, ‘Oh, God, help me. I’m coming to you.’ God says, ‘Be purna; purna means perfect.’ If you want to achieve that purna, become purna. After becoming purna, you say, ‘Yes, my father, now I am above that mask of ignorance and ego. Will you accept me?’ And God says, ‘Come in, my child. I’ll accept you.’

That is Hinduism,” the Seer concluded.







Jeffon Seely

Three Key Life


**Anywhere you see the word Life (or God, capitalized) feel free to replace that word with Love, God, Allah, Jah, Creator, Great Spirit, Universe, Intelligence, the Infinite, the Divine, the Almighty, or Energy – I am not making a plea for any one religion, instead hoping to show you that we’re all connected by the Life which enables all to be.



Spiritual Perfection Photo Credit: Stuck in Customs via photopin cc

Spiritual Perfection Amidst Your Physical Imperfections

2 thoughts on “Spiritual Perfection Amidst Your Physical Imperfections

  1. Hey Jeffon, what a wonderful read. Thank you. Sometimes we get so bogged down and so caught up in just what it takes to make it and the conflicts and confusions of others that we lose ourselves and in fact it appears that even when we find ourselves all to often we define ourselves as who we think we have created, instead of our real essence.

    Good reading, I’ll be checking back.

  2. Hey Tena,
    I appreciate your kind words. I find myself getting swept up in conflicts and confusion from time to time just to rediscover the same truth.
    Continue shining your true Essence my friend.

    Peace and Respect,


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