Priceless Gem: How to Make the Most Out Of Today

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The Priceless Gem

Each day we awake and rise, we have in our possession a priceless gem.

A gem so rare and exquisite it contains not only great abundance and prosperity, but also countless expressions of life.

You don’t have to blow up mountains or dive deep into mine shafts to uncover this gem.

Instead, we simply need to open ourselves to the realization of it.

With this gem, we can embrace our connection with the planet beneath us, the countless galaxies above us and the many people from various walks of life with whom we enjoy this experience.

This priceless gem that we hold in our possession is this moment of now.

Recognizing Today

The day this post goes live, you and I will have experienced 349 days in 2014.

Out of all these priceless days we’ve had the privilege of experiencing, how many of them did you fully honor and recognize?

I know for myself, there were many days, probably even weeks I didn’t open my consciousness to the fullness of the day.

There were other days where I carried old ideas, failures, struggles, emotions, and thoughts from the days of the past, tainting the preciousness of the present.

As I was writing this post, I came across a calculator that determines how many days we’ve been alive.

10,977. That’s how many day’s I’ve been here.

This small calculator made me ask myself, how many days of my life did I truly recognize and fully enjoy? And, how many of these days was I totally unaware?

I don’t know the exact number of days of my awareness, but I know there’s been long periods of time where I’ve been unaware of life. Times where I’ve been unaware of my connection with others, the planet, the stars and my connection to this priceless gem of the present.

I invite you to calculate how many days you’ve been here on earth. Once you find the number, ask yourself, how many days of my life have I lived from a state of awareness and how many days was I completely unaware?

You can calculate your days here.

It’s not only about identifying all the times in your experience here that you’ve forgotten about your relationship with this priceless gem, it’s about recognizing the magic in this moment you have now.

As we honor today, we honor the life that awaits us and embrace the countless things that connect us to this priceless gem of now.

Being Here Now

There are 3 words that, when I hear them, remind me to grasp this priceless gem. These three words are:

Be Here Now.

Think about it for a moment… If you made this present moment the best it could be, wouldn’t you effortlessly be assembling a great life?

It’s these small moments of now that create our entire experience.

So if we’re fully aware in the present moment of now, embracing it for the priceless gem it is, honoring each passing second while being present in all our activities, aware of our thoughts and intentionally choosing our actions, wouldn’t our lives reflect those intentions.

In my experience, it seems things get extremely difficult when I forget to be here now. When I choose to attach to ideas of the past, expectations of the future and forget about this priceless moment that comes this way but once.

I’ve found that by embracing this present moment, I embrace the future that awaits me.

3 Key Ways to Make The Most Out Of Today

#1 – Direction – Each and every moment we’re directing our lives somewhere. We’re doing this with our thoughts, choices and actions. With this being said, it’s important for us to know the direction we’d like to take our day. If we know our direction, then we know how we must use our time. If you don’t know your direction then I would ask, what do you want to do with your experience of life?

#2 – Steps into Tomorrow – It’s been said the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the next best time is today. With a little direction in our lives we can make sure we’re doing something we’ll be thankful for tomorrow. What you do with this priceless gem of now creates the stepping stones that will take you into the days that await you.

#3 – Mindfulness – Bring into your mind the power of this moment. Inwardly see how it truly holds the entirety of life in its hands. Recognize that through conscious cooperation with this moment you can co-create an incredible experience of life. Be mindful of this priceless gem of now.


It’s incredible to realize that if we can stay present in this moment of now, our lives become pretty much unshakeable.

Instead of reacting to the ups and downs of life, we can draw closer to the priceless gem of today. Realizing that through this gem comes our entire experience.

In this moment of now, life dances in harmony, from the atoms within our bodies, to our cells and organs, to the planet beneath us, to the furthest star.

In this moment of now, life is absolutely incredible.

Be grateful and do your best not to taint this moment with the illusions of yesterday or fantasies of tomorrow.

Right now is perfect. Be your best. (Three Key Tweet)







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life

Priceless Gem: How to Make the Most Out Of Today Photo Credit: Jonny Murdock 
Priceless Gem: How to Make the Most Out Of Today
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