Prayer Power: Beyond Religion

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Prayer Power

This post isn’t about discrediting any religion or degrading any spiritual practice. This post is about looking honestly at the practice of prayer.

When going through different rough patches in life, I remember people close to me telling me to pray for guidance. As a youth growing up in the Mormon church, I recall pictures of kids on their knees praying to a Higher Power, and remember all those Sunday school lessons about how important prayer was.

Not fully understanding the practice of prayer, I remember going home as a young child and praying as if I was asking Santa Claus for gifts. It would be like a big wish list of what I wanted, with an extra emphasis on what I didn’t want.

As I continued down my spiritual path through my early life in the Mormon church, onto other Christian sects and eventually into a more spiritual type of life, I’ve realized how my idea of prayer has also transformed.

In this post, it’s my hope to encourage you to embrace the power of prayer in your experience, not as a way to obtain or get more, but to simply recognize how much you already have.

Prayer for me now days is about consciously recognizing the Oneness I share with Life*.

Beyond Religion

While some of us may believe that we need to drop to our knees, close our eyes, or be in silence to pray effectively, imagine if you could recognize on a moment to moment basis the innumerable things you have to be grateful for here and now?

Imagine if you were able to remain aware of your connection with Life* and saw that connection not just within yourself, but within all?

For myself, this is what prayer truly is.

It is not about praying to something that lies outside of us, but honoring the Essence of Life* that empowers our bodies, our minds and is the spirit that dwells within all.

Praying without ceasing becomes possible when everywhere we go we can see the One Power* that flows through all.

3 Key Ways To Bring Prayer Power Into Daily Life

#1 – Each Morning – Waking up each morning provides us with a blank canvas that we can color any way we choose. Each morning when waking up it gives you an opportunity to recognize that you are alive, breathing, existing in this moment filled with life. It gives you an opportunity to consciously bring to mind the realization that you are resting on a planet which has been created over billions of years, and you are here, now, existing, breathing, being. This morning prayer connects you with the Life* you are experiencing.

#2 – Each Afternoon – Often, as our days progress, more and more things fill our experience and many of us forget about the connection we share with Life*. As our schedules get hectic, deadlines loom over us and we interact with various people, this becomes a great opportunity to realign with the Essence* within and remember that everywhere we go, so too is Life. This afternoon prayer connects you to your day and reminds you why you do what you do.

#3 – Each Night – Reflect upon your day and bring to mind all you experienced, all that you are grateful for and all that challenged you. Remind yourself that Life has been with you through it all, feel appreciation flow through you from the depths of your being. Allow this evening prayer to create a bed of gratitude and thanksgiving you can rest on each night.

Opportunity For Remembering

Prayer gives us the opportunity to remember we are filled with Life*. This Life* is not only outside of us, but within.

Consciously recognize this as you move throughout your day and allow this universal support to propel you each moment.

In addition to practicing the prayer power, here are a few more things that can help you make each day exceptional:

Click Here For Your Free Guide To Making Each Day Extraordinary

*Where you see an * please feel free to replace this word with God, Universe, Infinite, Divine, Energy, Light, Love, or whatever word you choose to describe that which is All.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


Prayer Power: Beyond Religion
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