Strengthening Our Anchors

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We must find time to strengthen the anchors within ourselves.

I say this because too many of us live our lives on the surface, myself included.

And what I mean by living on the surface is, easily tossed and turned, rocking back and forth, and at times capsizing or tipping over, like an old boat that hopelessly floats on a rough river, lake or ocean, drifting.

Applying that analogy to life we can see that by living on the surface we are easily influenced by the things we see, the things we hear and what people (news, books, politicians, leaders) tell us to believe.

From this kind of surface living our emotions and our feelings easily go up and down based upon what appears to be happening in day to day life.

There is a deeper place we can reside.

A place where we are able to anchor ourselves and stay balanced within, regardless of what appears to be happening.

This can be likened to a large anchor for a boat that lies so deep in the ocean that though the surface may be rough, knocking the boat back and forth, it remains centered because of this deeper connection.

We are able to create this space, this anchoring within ourselves.

By dropping our anchors and finding that space of peace, harmony, balance and creativity, we can remain grounded through various storms and showers of sunshine that life brings our way.

If you happen to find yourself in a place where difficulties keep occurring, where the stresses and struggles of life keep knocking you off balance, try lifting your anchor and dropping it in a deeper place within yourself.

The ocean of life which we live is infinitely deep, we can drop our anchors wherever we’d like.

Here are three ways to Strengthen or Drop New Anchors:

1. See the surface for what it is – The surface is a perceived reality, it can look anyway you choose to see it. You can find bad experiences just as easily as you can find beautiful and inspiring ones.

Ask yourself these questions: What does the surface look like for you? Do you like the way it looks?

2. Learn to rely on the anchors you set – After you’ve found the space you wish to reside (within), you then drop your anchor. Take time to explore the depths of yourself. In doing so, you will see you are always relying on an anchor that only you can set.

Ask yourself this: Why do I choose to center myself here? Are my anchors set in a place of inspiration and empowerment, or are my anchors set in places of struggle and self defeat?

3. Use your anchors to further discover who you are – Each anchor you drop sinks deeper within. Soon you begin to realize that the place you drop your anchor is a preview of what the surface may look like. As you continue to embrace your ability to create balance within your individual life, you discover more of who and what you are.

Create balance in your life and see the surface for what it is by remaining connected to the center within. (Three Key Tweet)

My question for you is this:

How do you center yourself?

Leave a comment below and let us know. You never know who you may inspire.






Jeffon Seely

P. S. – If you’ve yet to receive my ebook ‘5 Key Ways To Maximize The Day’ subscribe below and get your free book Today!

Three Key Life


photo credit: Michael Matti via
Strengthening Our Anchors
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