Power of Children: 3 Life Lessons We Can Learn From The Youth

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Life Lessons We Can Learn From The Youth

A while back I was driving with one of my friends through Northern California when pulled up behind a school bus. The lights were flashing and the stop sign was out. Soon kids exited the bus some laughing, talking and others running towards their houses.

I remember watching these kids, seeing the joy on their faces. I told my friend as long as there are children on earth, there is hope for the future. After all, the children are the future.  

Returning from Honduras the other week I was reminded of this powerful observation. I recall walking through Punta Gorda on the island of Roatan, Honduras and seeing the children in the village.

They were laughing, playing marbles, braiding each other’s hair, talking, running, and swimming. While some may say the area they live is filled with poverty, lack, and limitation, children remind us that hope, possibility and happiness are available to all.

Be Childlike Again

Remember those dreams you had as a child? Those things you wanted to accomplish and thought about when you were growing up?

Recapture that feeling of belief you had when you were a child. Recapture that feeling of possibility.

If you ever wonder what your purpose is during your time on earth, spend time with the youth. Travel and venture to other parts of our planet. Doing so will help you see the different ways your gifts could contribute to the overall well-being of others.

3 Life Lessons We Can Learn From The Youth In Honduras

#1 – Smile – Children remind us there is always something to smile about. If you focus on all the things that bring joy to your life it is difficult for sorrow to reach your heart. This is a valuable lesson we can learn from children. Children are connected to this present moment soaking up goodness all around. They help us remember that happiness is a choice.



#2 – Appreciate the Little Things – Children teach us there are numerous things we can appreciate. The bird flying across the sky, the clouds floating above, waves rolling in, oddly shaped rocks, conversations with others or even just sitting alone pondering our thoughts. If we appreciate the little things the small issues that surface in life have no room to grow into large problems.

#3 – See the Bright Side of Life – The most important lesson I’ve learned from children is to see the bright side of life. As difficult as life may get, we can focus our eyes, hearts, and mind on the good. When we can remain focused on the bright side of life, we can carry a light with us into the dark times we will walk through. Seeing the bright side of life is something we must do for ourselves.

Be Childlike

As you move throughout this day smile, breathe and go peacefully.

Appreciate the little things that make your life great, even if it is only the beat of your heart.

See the bright side of life.

Embrace these life lessons we can learn from the youth and be childlike again.






Jeffon Seely

Three Key Life

Power of Children: 3 Life Lessons We Can Learn From The Youth
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