Letter to Humankind

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Letter to Humankind

Why are we so quick to drop bombs and fly drones into cafes filled with our fellow brothers and sisters?

What causes the mind to embrace radical understandings of religious texts and suddenly we forget that there is but One Creator that all religions speak of?

When does the color of another person’s skin invite hatred into the mind and heart, separating us from one another?

How can we allow the media to fill our minds with such pollution that divides us by means of imaginary lines, classes and beliefs?

Will we as human beings walking upon this sacred planet begin to see the web of connectivity that runs through us all?

Could you imagine what it would be like if we spent more time honoring, cherishing and speaking about the innumerable things that connect us versus the few things that make us feel separate from each other?

The time has come for you and me to look beyond the skin colors of black, white, and brown and see each other as brothers and sisters of the Human race.

The moment has come where it is our obligation as humans to set aside the religions that divide, looking beyond Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christian, Sikhism, and recognize that we are all empowered by One Life that flows through all.

Regardless who you are or wherever you may be, look deeper and honor the things that connect you to me, me to you and us to the world, as you wake up to the magnificence within yourself incredible things occur.

Choose to show up each day with a peaceful mind and heart.

Choose to watch the thoughts you give power and focus on the light that flows through all.

Be willing to share your gifts in a way that uplifts and empowers the entire world, not just your pocketbook.

By breaking down these barriers, peace blossoms.

This is something you must be willing to do for yourself. As you change, your world changes.

As your world changes, you assist in shifting the world.

Be Love. Be Peace. Be Light.






Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


Letter to Humankind
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