How to Increase Our Level of Consciousness

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How to Increase Your Level of Consciousness

Look out across your life.

Go ahead, try it.

Why do you dress the way you do and believe the things you do?

Why do you live in the neighborhood, state or country that you do? Why are you so committed to certain relationships and can’t stand others? Why do you continue to participate in habits, activities and actions that you know don’t serve you and make you feel less complete?

Great insights come from questions like these.

A few days ago I was asking myself these questions and I had a realization.

We are all living according to our level of consciousness.

Think about it for a moment, if I believe that I am unable to land a great job, unable to lose weight, or forced to relive my parents struggles, how could I ever create a better life?

But if I believe that each day I awake I am greeted with endless opportunities and blessings, able to create a healthy lifestyle and empower my parents and myself then what could stop me?

You see, either way we see life, we are right.

You and I, and the rest of the people across this globe are currently living at their level of consciousness. This is how someone could’ve had a similar upbringing as you but may be living better or worse, based on what they believe about themselves.

More specifically, their level of consciousness.


It’s imperative to increase our level of consciousness because as we do, we’ll see an immediate reflection in the current reality we experience.

For example, in my individual life, in order to complete college and receive my degree in accounting, I had to learn to live bigger. More specifically, see myself living bigger and better within first before I could see that effect in the world.

When I got my first investment property, established great relationships, or gained a deeper and closer connection to *Source, I had to increase the level at which I viewed the world, the things I believed about myself and what was possible for me before I could reap the harvest of the seeds sowed.

Those seeds were learning to increase my level of consciousness, my level of living and the belief I had about it first, before any effect would take place on the outer world which I live.

Have you ever noticed that each time you choose to live bigger within yourself, expanding your level of consciousness your outer reality begins to change?

Use these keys below to increase your level of consciousness.

5 Key Ways to Increase Your Consciousness

#1 – Live in the Present – Take a moment to slow down and recognize the power of this day and all that it bestows. Right now as you read this the planet is spinning in a vast universe, atoms within your body are spinning, cells dividing, lungs breathing, mind thinking. Stop and feel the power of this moment. Do so free of stress and worry, for a few moments just stop and simply live, for within this moment all things are contained. Why taint it with the past or the future?

Be here now, it’s all we ever have.

#2 – Feel Love – Allow your being to experience the joy of living, the joy of great people in your life, the love from those who care about you and the love you have for yourself (regardless of how little or big, simply be love). Put aside all the nonsense and let love flow through your being unhindered, strengthening your heart, centering your mind and helping you realize just how incredible the gift of life truly is.

Few things compare to the power of love, the underlying Essence which fills the entire cosmos. Be Love.

#3 – Honor the True You – Know that you are the one who is behind the thoughts that flow through your mind. You are the one who feels all the emotions and feelings that flow through you being. You are the one who sees the world with your inner eyes. The one who hears with inner ears. It’s you who breathes and you who thinks. Take time to notice and honor the Life which you are, the Life within that enables all thoughts, feelings, emotions and outlooks flow through you.

The thing most are seeking is the Essence within you that enables you to seek. 

(Three Key Tweet)

#4 – Gratitude – Fill your mind with gratitude. Even in the worst times of our lives, the darkest paths we may travel, gratefulness can be the lamp that takes us through. Focus on those things that you are grateful for. Start with the breath you are able to breathe, your body which you dwell, your mind which is one of your greatest tools. Be grateful for the planet we are upon, the Life which flows through all things and for the beauty this Life bestows upon us all.

It’s hard to bring turmoil to a grateful heart and thankful mind.

#5 – Meditation – This is a great way to increase your level of consciousness. Be sure to spend time in the peace and presence of yourself. Know that you are literally co-creating your experience each thought, each choice and each action throughout your days. Spend time being with the inner Essence which helps to provide you with this amazing opportunity of life.

Some of the greatest insights and conscious expanding ideas come from finding that place of peace and stillness within.

Good to Great to Phenomenal

I invite you to increase your level of consciousness by utilizing these 5 Keys above. Use these keys daily to enhance your level of life.

Remember, as you change within so too do you change the outer world which you currently reside.

Change happens from the inside out.

Embracing this truth you’ll truly be able to see that you are the master of your fate and captain of your destiny, literally creating your experience of life based upon the consciousness which you use to view your reality.

The change we’ve been waiting for is you, I, us.






Jeffon Seely

Three Key Life

Level of Consciousness Photo Credit: h.koppdelaney via photopin cc
How to Increase Our Level of Consciousness
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