How To Build A Mindset of Success

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Mindset of Success

The word success has different meanings depending on who you ask. For some, success means reaching financial milestones, for others success is in alignment with building a business, creating a happy family life, impacting the world, being healthy or freeing themselves from inner struggles.

While success has different meanings, all of us are moving towards something in our lives each day. While it is easy to write down goals and create a vision, it is difficult to maintain a mindset that paves the pathway to success. A mind that is at the mercy of fear, doubt and unworthiness deflates the wheels on the vehicle that can lead you to success.

When I first branched out on building my speaking and consulting business, I remember writing my goals and seeing the destination I wanted to reach. After writing my goals, I was excited about the possibilities that awaited my life. When I woke up the next day, reality set in. People would not come out of nowhere and give me the opportunities I was seeking. What I realized was that I had to actively make my goals become a reality.

Big dreams can only be accomplished through small, conscious steps that lead toward realization. Maintaining a mindset of success is essential for creating the results so many of us seek.

My goal for 2016 is to empower 1 million minds. Since I set out on this goal, I’ve faced times of overwhelm, procrastination and deals that fell through. It is during times like this that reverting back to a mindset of success helped me instrumentally.

All great minds, all great beings were led by a higher vision for their lives. Most of them started out not knowing the exact impact they’d make but knew there was something great within them. This vision may have frightened them and they surely encountered walls of resistance, but their vision pulled them through the storms.

Looking at these exceptional people who’ve walked this planet can serve as a reminder for all that we have a greater purpose in life. While the outside results are satisfying, a mindset of success can take us to levels that were once unimaginable.

Preparing The Mind For Success

The greatest thing any person can do to prepare their lives for success is to build their inner world. The inner world I am referring to is the environment we live in within ourselves. Cultivating a landscape of success within reminds us that the way we see ourselves, dictates how the outer world will respond to us.

With our minds centered on what is possible for our experience, willing to release fear, unworthiness, limitation and doubt we make room for our gifts to grow.

This is the next step to building a mindset of success. It is essential to spend our time sharpening our gifts, refining our strengths and sharing our gifts with others. Sharpening our gifts prepares us with the tools necessary to walk toward our visions and goals.

Those who are no longer allowing fear to rule their spirit or letting doubt plague their consciousness are in a position to build a mindset of success as they focus on the gifts they have within them.

Using this elevated state of awareness helps people cultivate their gifts and bring them into existence. A mindset of success helps people watch the thoughts flowing through their mind. They realize they can focus on negative thoughts just as much as they can focus on successful thoughts.

Your mind holds the key that can unlock a rich and vibrant life.

3 Keys To Build A Mindset of Success

#1 – Rid the Mind of Negativity – Clear out all the lies you’ve believed about yourself in the past. Clear the fear from your mind, learn to listen to your inner voice and know that with persistence and discipline you can accomplish what you set your mind to.  

#2 – More Than Faith – It is said that faith can help you, but even more important than faith is to transform faith into action. On the journey to success, you’ll be tested. These tests and trials aren’t there to derail you but to strengthen and challenge you to grow into the person you are here to be.

#3 – Daily Inspiration – Filling your mind with inspiration and empowerment can act as fuel when you’re moving towards your vision of success. While you can find inspiration in the form of videos, books, blogs and mentors, remember that you can find a spring of inspiration within yourself. Learn to cultivate a spirit of inspiration that can pull you towards your goals.

What is Success To You

What is your definition of success?

If you don’t know what success means to you, it will be hard to attain it.

Is your definition of success centered on money, building a business, having great relationships, or impacting the world?

If you have a vision of your dream within you, it is easy for you to use your time and energy to help manifest that vision and bring it into reality.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


How To Build A Mindset of Success
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