How To Create Greater Self Love In The New Year

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Less Unworthiness, More Love

Going into this new year, let’s recognize our inner worth and have greater self love.

I’ve often wondered why so many of us see the potential in another but fail to recognize the unbound potential in ourselves?

It reminds me of a story I heard about a young mother. She explained that every time she looked into her young child’s eyes, she saw him as pure potential.

But when the mother looked at herself, all she saw was fear, doubt and worry. She wasn’t able to recognize the potential within herself.

This story really stuck with me. I recall my youth, realizing some of the people who believed in me most, failed to see the greatness residing in themselves.

It’s my hope that we not only see the best in others going into the new year, but learn to see the best in ourselves; learning to honor the beauty and abundance within, while recognizing the pure ball of potential which we are.

Love, believe and support the greatest You!

Finding Our Potential

What causes us to lose faith in ourselves and dismiss our potential?

I can only speak from my experience, but I know I’ve lost the most faith in myself when I’ve attached to the “image” I had of myself in the past. Letting that image distort the possibilities of today.

But now I know this moment is a new beginning. This year is a new opportunity to co-create our experience.

I’ve also lost faith in myself when I allowed jealousy and envy to creep into my mind and paralyze me, leaving me fearful of being my authentic self.

I now realize there’s no reason to make myself inferior to any person.

I’ve watched as family members closed their eyes to the possibilities for their lives and refocused on struggles, obstacles and fear.

It seems we forget most about our potential when we close our minds to the Essence of Life which enables us to awake and be.

I’ve found that as I open my mind to the Essence of Life, I am reminded of just how incredible our experience truly is. I am reminded how much potential we individually possess.

The quick trick to recognizing our unbound potential in the new year is this:

Remember, your body is composed of the same elements found in the cosmos above you, filled with the same Essence that enables the planet beneath you to spin.

You are connected to countless ancestors who have aligned in such a way that you were able to be the you that you are today.

The same Essence and Energy holding the galaxies in space, empowering electrons to spin around atoms and the sun to shine down upon us, enabled you to awake this morning.

Your potential is infinite because you are composed of the Infinite. 

(Three Key Tweet)

Loving The Little Things

Now that you’re able to catch a glimpse of your true potential and worth, there’s one more thing you can do in the new year to cultivate a deeper reservoir of self love for your being.

This was explained in detail here. It is loving the little things in life.

By this I mean focusing on the essential elements of our being.

More specifically our breath connecting us with the cosmos, the Life breathing through us and the energy which beats our hearts. Recognizing our connection with the people we’re around and the planet were upon, while embracing the beauty of this moment.

By focusing on these essential, (small) things, love fills our consciousness. It sweeps into our hearts and beats through our body, rippling out from within ourselves through our words, actions and deeds.

Focus on the little things that make your life possible.

Aside from appreciating the little things, here are 3 key ways to create greater self love in the new year while recognizing your unbound potential.

3 Key Ways To Create Greater Self Love In The New Year

#1 – The Essence – It’s pretty incredible that we’re with ourselves throughout this entire voyage of life. I don’t mean just with the vessel or body we move with, but we are with the innermost part of ourselves which empowers our thoughts, heart and life. For those who venture to the depths of their being, they’ll discover a spring of love that is ever present. The waters filling this spring make up our Essence, the part of our being that connects us with it all.

#2 – Present Moment – It’s hard for things to get out of whack when we center ourselves in this present moment. In fact, it seems when we take ourselves out of this moment, creating expectations for the future or standing upon the fears of the past, we then separate ourselves from the love within. As we reconnect consciously with this moment, we also reconnect with the love that is ever present. Be, here, now, it’s all we have.

#3 – Light of Compassion – One great way to love yourself more and recognize your unbound potential is to move throughout your day, both in your own consciousness and about our planet, with a light of compassion shining through you. Be the light of hope in places of darkness, the light of peace in the presence of aggression. Be a beacon of love.


Let us be grateful, realizing that we can empower our individual outlook regardless of the past or expectations of the future.

Let us be grateful for this new year, realizing that we are unbound potential, capable of extraordinary things.

Love Thyself.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life

How To Create Greater Self Love In The New Year Photo Credit: NeeZhom Photomalaya via photopin cc
How To Create Greater Self Love In The New Year
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