Gratitude Post 11: Capturing The Good

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Gratitude Post 11: Capturing The Good

I like taking some time on the 4th Wednesday of each month to stop, reflect and highlight one aspect of life I am grateful for.

In this last Gratitude Post of the year it’s my hope we can pause for a moment and recognize the good things taking place around us each and every day. By so doing we can begin capturing this goodness and applying it towards the days, months and years that await.

Capturing the Good

As 2014 concludes, 2015 smiles in anticipation. The days of the past have come and gone, taking some of us to extreme highs and others to the lowest of lows.

Each day of this year has greeted you and I bearing the gift of infinite opportunities. When I think back to the days throughout the year, I smile at some and feel like I dropped the ball on others.

Despite how I choose to look at the past 12 months, I cannot change the actions I’ve committed to, the choices I’ve acted upon or the thoughts that flowed through my mind. I do,  however, realize the new year that awaits consists of a fresh canvas filled with endless possibilities.

I need not carry the past with me into the future, allowing the bitterness and resentment, the fear or worry to steal the joy from the unbound potential that lies ahead.

Instead, I look around in this moment of now and identify the good qualities within, the acts of kindness and compassion going on around me and recognize I am where I am for a reason.

As we conclude this incredible year, let’s move forward with gratitude, direction and a deep appreciation for this life we are able to live.

Identifying the Goodness

I don’t know if you’re like me but I’ve noticed when I spend time looking back at 2014, whether it’s the major news events or the course of my life, I’m more prone to remember the bad things that happened.

For instance, I still remember the dumb remark I mentioned at a meeting months back, the rejection of a business idea I had and the unfortunate deaths of people across our planet. But amongst all of that, I realize there were good things taking place each moment throughout this past year.

In my individual life, it was things like Three Key Life blossoming, visiting my family and friends, as well as watching a large number of people take a stand for truth, peace, and respect for all.

You see, we can highlight the positives or the negatives. I don’t want you to avoid looking at the realities of life around you but I’d like to encourage you to carry the good qualities of this year with you into the new year that’s fast approaching.

Let us build our house upon a quality foundation, while being aware of the harsh storms of reality swirling around us.

The qualities, feelings, thoughts and emotions you carry with you into the days ahead will be the building blocks you use to create your experience.

Use the good building blocks of life, you know, love, compassion, peace, equality, respect ,and righteousness.

Empowered Outlook, Centered Spirit

This past year I’ve been so grateful to realize that we can individually empower our outlook for the days ahead.

As we embrace these good building blocks of life, uncovering the love within, the compassion from others, the peace, and life that fills each atom, while looking with eyes of respect and equality, we can center ourselves and empower our perspectives.

Could you imagine what it would be like if you centered your spirit in peace and empowered your outlook to see the best in all things each day of 2015?

If you did this, what would your year look like?

Find gratitude knowing you can consciously color and create the year ahead. In fact, this moment right now is your opportunity to grab the paint brushes of life and begin to intentionally color your world and reality however you so choose.

Painting with colors of compassion, large brush strokes of peace and filling the page with images of love helps to create an inner world of beauty.

How will you color the days ahead?

I encourage you to use gratitude to help paint an even more abundant experience.

Here are 3 Keys to help you do just that:

3 Keys to Create More Gratitude in 2015

#1 – Acts of Goodness – Intentionally empower someone at least once a day. Make it a habit of sharing the goodness you’ve found within yourself with the world around you. If you don’t find much good within, then take time to consciously go out and be a blessing to another person. This is the quickest way I’ve found to build inspiration within.

#2 – Fresh Beginnings – Each day you awake is a fresh beginning. Don’t pollute the pureness of this moment with fears or stresses of the past. I invite you to embrace your power to color your experience. Remember, you hold the paint brushes to your life in your hands. These paint brushes are your thoughts, choices, and actions. Embrace the uniqueness of each day, for it is truly a gift.

#3 – Take Nothing For Granted – Fully enjoy and appreciate the people around you and the environments you enter. This is done by realizing the life you are so fortunate to enjoy doesn’t last forever. In fact, the last person you spoke to, that moment will never come again. Realizing the preciousness of now, we should all consciously and deliberately honor everything, each and every day. The good and the bad. For when all is said and done, I’m sure we’d give anything to go back and relive even the worst day.


Be grateful my friends.

Grateful for life, for your family, for your friends, for the planet beneath you, for your body, for your ability to simply be.

Be grateful for the breath you breathe, the finances you have, the shelter in which you dwell, the clothes on your back and food in your stomach.

Let this gratitude fuel you to capture and share this goodness with the world.

Gratitude creates more Gratitude.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


 Capturing the Good Photo Credit: The Exceptional Jonny Murdock
Gratitude Post 11: Capturing The Good
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