Freedom From The Chains That Bind The Mind

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Freedom From The Chains That Bind The Mind of Women and Men

How is it that the USA, a country that proclaims to be the greatest and freest nation in the world, ranks as the highest country in the world for depression?

A country that has celebrated 240 years of independence and ventures across the globe “helping” other countries achieve freedom, yet is also the country that consumes 75% of the world’s prescription drugs.

In the midst of celebrating the 4th of July in America with all the fireworks, barbecues, parades and vacations, I’ve realized that while outwardly we may be free, there is a large number of people in our country who inwardly are bound by inner chains.

Fear controls the masses, causing many to step away from their greatness. Worry haunts their spirit as many focus on all that could go wrong instead of recognizing the innumerable things going right. Doubt plagues their mind, causing some to step back from their dreams and settle into jobs they despise; ruts and stagnation. For others, it is not believing in themselves that causes depression and low self-esteem as they turn their cheek to the greatness that dwells within.

What good is outward freedom if inwardly you are in chains?

How can such a country as America be filled with so much depression and dependence on drugs?

It is time to break free, to declare independence within ourselves and push aside the quick fix solution, realizing we are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

Writing Your Own Constitution

If you were to write a constitution filled with amendments, declaring freedom from the inner limitations that taint your mind and spirit, what would you write?

What would you release from within yourself?

If you and I take a stand against those blocks within and identify the areas keeping us back, those chains that bind us, we can chart a pathway to freedom.

It is by taking a stand and choosing freedom within ourselves that releases depression, raises self-esteem and helps us realize that outward freedom matters little if we are imprisoned within our own mind.

3 Keys To Escape the Binding Chains of the Mind

#1 – Freedom From the Chains of Fear – The chains of fear begin to break as we start to live centered in the present moment. Living in the present moment will help you see things for what they really are. By living in the present moment you can train your mind to see the positive side of things around you instead of allowing your mind to drift into the darkness of the negative and the unknown. It is by staying in the present moment and making this moment the best it can be that the door of fear within your mind closes and you are released you from these chains that trap the masses.

#2 – Freedom From the Chains of Doubt – If we inwardly know that our lives sprouted from something much larger than us, recognizing the countless people who existed before us and the earth that has been continuing to evolve for billions of years to provide us with an experience of life, would we doubt ourselves? To shatter the chains of doubt, you must remember who you are… a gift, one-of-a-kind, filled with the infinite and capable of extraordinary things. Do not doubt the greatness you have come into this world possessing.

#3 – Freedom From the Chains of Low Self-Esteem – Depression, not believing in yourself and low self-esteem can be lifted from your life by centering your mind, heart and thoughts on the numerous things you have to be grateful for. It is not just a onetime thing. If you allow your mind to focus for the majority of the day on that which you have to be grateful and move with these thoughts, esteem, self-image and belief in yourself will increase. On the flip side, if your mind is focused on the struggle, the darkness, and the negatives that flow through life, you tighten the chains and bind them around your spirit.  

Finding True Freedom

May we not only find inner freedom for ourselves but may we assist our fellow brothers and sisters to be released from the chains that may keep them from experiencing the fullness of life.

We all deserve inner and outer freedom.

Draft your own Declaration of Independence and live a life where you are inspired to pursue your dreams and live with happiness as you take time each day to center your awareness on the greatness within you.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


Freedom From The Chains That Bind The Mind
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