Revolutionary Spirit: 3 Revolutionary Tactics of the Founding Fathers

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Revolutionary Spirit: 3 Revolutionary Tactics of the Founding Fathers

Imagine living in a place where you were taxed nearly to death. A place that regardless of how hard you worked there was a royal group of people who you could never surpass, yet they passed all the laws, rules and regulations.

Imagine feeling isolated and unappreciated, yet you knew deep down with the right group of people and the proper intentions you could recreate a whole new community.

These were a few of the things the history books tells us about the reasons the Founding Fathers of America were in this country.

For their commitment and belief, we here in America take time on the third Monday of February to celebrate the presidents of this country.

Now, it’s true that these individuals came together, worked in cooperation to establish this country and did so by recognizing the flaws in the government systems of Europe.

We can learn a great deal from their acts of cooperation, the power of belief and the structure by which they formed the colonies. However, there is a large part of the history we don’t pay as much attention too.

While these figures are “revolutionary” here in America, there was a dark sea of ignorance they all contained.

This is not the time for finger pointing, conspiracies, or to highlight the flaws in the current economic system.

This is a light of truth we can shine upon the lives of these founding fathers and presidents of this country. This light of truth exposes the flaws and helps us identify with the positive revolutionary qualities that we can embrace moving into the future.

Just as the Founding Fathers did, we can CHANGE THE SYSTEM BY COMING TOGETHER.

Embracing a Revolutionary Spirit

I’ve found it extremely empowering to identify the things that make us humans embrace a revolutionary spirit.

Looking back through the course of our modern day history, I’ve noticed that we develop a revolutionary spirit when we’ve had enough of current situations.

This is apparent not only in the founding fathers of this country but also in African American history, when the once enslaved, took a stand against their violent oppressors.

Individuals like Booker T. Washington, George Washington Carver and Frederick Douglas come to mind.

Looking out across our globe, we can recognize this revolutionary spirit sweeping through countries and continents. From here in America and Mexico, to France, the Middle East and Europe, to Africa, Asia, Russia and the Ukraine just to name a few.

Within us all dwells a revolutionary spirit, but few find the courage and strength necessary to tap into it and take a stand.

Even fewer take a stand out of LOVE and COMPASSION verses aggression and violence.

Exposing Ignorance, Creating Peace

It’s important to find balance. Recognizing this, I’ve included some of the extreme ignorance demonstrated by the early leaders of the free world.

I do this not to create conspiracy or to place blame upon these individuals, but to remind us that we must learn from the dark past to create a bright future.

The ignorance of the founding fathers ran deep.

There were 2 major evils these men committed that cannot be overlooked, despite how good one may believe them to be.


Anyone who has looked deeper than the history textbook you got in high school can see that America was built off of the backs of slaves and upon land stolen from the Natives.

The slave trade and free land built the America of today.

Of the 7 key founding fathers, 5 of them were slave owners, including Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, James Madison, John Jay, and the man that wrote “all men are created equal,” Thomas Jefferson.

Although these figures helped spawn the development of the free world, all had seeds of racism and were incapable of rising above the thoughts of their time and place. All profited from slave labor, even those who owned none.

An English writer by the name of Dr. Samuel Johnson asked a mortifying question of the founding fathers when he inquired:

“How is it that we hear the loudest yelps for liberty from the drivers of Negroes?”

Aside from buying and selling humans, treating them less than the beasts of the field, shattering families and profiting off of free labor, the founding fathers have another dark, dark secret. The holocaust of the Native Americans.

Stealing Land From Natives

Regardless what you may read or be told, there were people already living in America before the Founding Fathers were born.

Unfortunately, the unwillingness of the Founding Fathers to cooperate with the Natives led them down a dark path. This path forced the Natives off their land and if they didn’t leave they killed them.

Scholarly estimates state that there were 2-18 million natives before any European stepped foot in North America. After 300 years, they’ve killed 80-90% (this does not note all the African American deaths that took place through this time).

One of the most heinous acts was that of the 7th President of the United States, Andrew Jackson, and the trail of tears.

In this act, U.S. troops captured or killed all the Natives east of the Mississippi and forced them off their land on a death march all the way to Oklahoma; destroying families, history and future generations in the process.

Great hope comes from truth. It helps us see how we must grow in this day and age.

The final act of ignorance is what we see today. That is buying your way into political office.

Extreme Materialism

It is reported that a group of wealthy people are actually the president of the United States. I say this because without money, and a lot of it, it’s nearly impossible to be a president of the free world.

It’s been stated in the recent news that the Koch Brothers, very wealthy business owners and founders of Freedom Partners, have pledged to invest nearly $900 million dollars for the 2016 presidential election.

Racism, stealing land, extreme militarism, and materialism seems to be a few of the building blocks this country was built upon.

Let us use this dark history of evil and ignorance to bring a light of peace, truth, equality, compassion and respect for all.

3 Conscious Revolutionary Tactics of the Founding Fathers

Now that you know the dark history of these influential figures, lets embrace a few of the conscious revolutionary tactics the founding fathers pioneered.

#1 – Took A Stand – The Founding Fathers were willing to come together and take a stand against their oppressors. They realized they could work together and change the course of history by creating a new system of government. We have the same opportunity today, but unlike the founding fathers, we can take a stand from a Peaceful, Compassionate and Respectful state within.

#2 – Sailed Away From the Safe Harbor – One quality I appreciate and can embrace in my life from the founding fathers is being willing to sail away from the safe harbor and into the land of possibility. If we are unwilling to sail away from our comfort zones, pains and problems of today, we will never reach a new land of opportunity tomorrow.

#3 – Masterminds – The final quality we can embrace as we move into a revolutionary spirit is the idea of a mastermind. This is exactly what happened when the founding fathers came together to write the constitution. Take time to find like-minded individuals who you can build with and create new possibilities for your life.

Let us be courageous enough to shine a light of truth upon the dark areas of the past.

This light of truth can expose evil ways and help us ensure we move forward in our lives with compassion, peace, and equality for all.


When you think about the presidents of the United States, what is the first thing that comes to mind?

Leave your thoughts below.


With all this being said, be grateful for this day.

Find gratitude knowing you can look at the negative from a positive perspective.

Be grateful realizing that you are the revolutionary of today.

**(Hint: Begin within)







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life

Founding Fathers Photo Credit: via Michael Allen Smith



Revolutionary Spirit: 3 Revolutionary Tactics of the Founding Fathers
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