3 Foods to Avoid for the Rest of Your Life

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Avoid These

It seems fairly obvious that those who sell meth, crack and heroin to the addicted, deserve some kind of retribution.

I have personally seen people in my family battle with these powerful chemicals, losing their houses, cars, loved ones, and for some, even their lives. These chemicals have been known to cause destruction, affecting not only the user but the family of the user.

The other week I was thinking about other chemicals.

What if the people who filled our foods with chemicals faced the same punishment as the meth and crack dealers?

I say this because I’ve also seen people close to me become addicted to processed foods. I’ve watched as their health deteriorated and weight increased, while the food they ate became cheaper and more processed. I’ve also seen people close to me pass away as a result of developing a health illness linked to their diet.

Truth of the Matter

Unfortunately, money is more important than what they put in baby formula, white bread, whole milk and frozen dinners. I think it’s time we created a new war on drugs, one focused on some of the biggest pushers of all, big food business.

I understand that everybody is not currently able to pay for the overpriced “organic and natural” food options at our stores. I do believe however, that we can all start somewhere. Cutting ourselves off from this addicting dope that they’ve been selling to us for years is a great start.

Here are 3 Foods to Avoid for the rest of your life

#1 – Cured Meats with Nitrates – The reason for avoiding these meats is because sodium nitrate is a preservative. If you do eat meat, buy grass fed meat and fresh wild seafood. This will obviously cost a little more, but you can also find things to substitute for meat every once in a while with things like nuts, grains, seeds and legumes.

#2 – White Bread with Refined Flour – I used to love big name brands of white bread for my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, but I’ve recently stopped eating bread with refined flour. The reason for this is because refined flour has been linked to many different health issues. I have replaced this type of bread with mostly organic rice crackers or natural bread.

#3 – Frozen Dinners – I grew up on frozen dinners, loving the moment when I was ripping the plastic off of the cardboard-like dinner tray. Now I can hardly stand to see those things. Looking at the back of one of them, with the exception of a few, it looks like the list of ingredients you’d find in a science laboratory. You can replace these cheap processed meals with fresh fruit, veggies, nuts and essential grains like quinoa.

Respecting Our Bodies

I’ve found it really interesting that we’ll spend more money on clothes, our living room sets, televisions and happy hour than we will on healthy food for our body.

This body is one of the greatest gifts we have been given. It is truly a temple.

Let us honor our bodies by the food we eat.

For the next few days, try going without these 3 types of foods.


What is the healthiest thing you ate today?

Leave a comment below.


Thank you for spending a moment at Three Key Life.

I greatly appreciate your energy.

If you like the 3 kinds of food mentioned above, I fully respect your opinion. If you do eat these foods, then make sure to read this.

Have an amazing day.







Jeffon Seely

Three Key Life


photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/cadencrawford/8344048410/ – Caden Crawford – http://photopin.com – http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/
3 Foods to Avoid for the Rest of Your Life
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