3 Keys To Finding The Sacredness All Around You

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Finding The Sacredness All Around You

Over the past 3 and a half weeks I’ve had the opportunity to be apart of an inspiring tour with some exceptional artists. We left from Seattle on the 31st of March and since then we’ve had so many incredible experiences it is hard for me to understand why I took so long to fly away from my nest of seeming security.

As we’ve made our way through the first leg of our west coast tour we’ve performed at college campuses, set up pop-up shows, released new music, interviewed permaculture experts, gaining wisdom from the Native Americans, rocked a stage in Oakland, and empowered fans in Venice Beach.

Amongst all these great experiences there has been one aspect of the tour that has inspired me more than any other, being out in nature. As we’ve made our way through Washington into Oregon, we camped in pristine forests.


Making our way into Northern California we were in awe at the Redwood Forest that blessed us with its presence.


Leaving from Oakland we stepped into the holy sanctuary called Yosemite.


As we ventured from LA we continued into Mexico and camped on the calming cliffs of Alisitos, just south of Tijuana.


After leaving Mexico we entered the mystical desert of Arizona and currently I am soaking in some A/C at a local coffee shop in Mesa, AZ.

Traveling through the beauty of nature the one thing that has continuously been on my mind is honoring, respecting and being conscious of the sacredness that surrounds us each moment of each day. In addition to this, realizing the holiest temple one can find is the temple found in the natural creation of Mother Earth .

Sacredness All Around

Wherever you may be, look around in this moment of now. Feel the air upon your skin, the oxygen flowing through your body and the ground you stand upon. In this moment of now, there is a magic that can be found, a sacred essence flowing through it all.

As you move in the outside world look at the way that grass grows, flowers bloom, the rays of the sun that grace the ground, the white clouds floating through the sky, rivers that flow, trees reaching towards the light and the tree that has fallen returning to the Earth from which it came.

Moving with this mindful perspective you begin to see everything is sacred. You see that there is a magic dwelling at the depths of all things.

From this state of awareness one can consciously and confidently say that the very ground they stand upon is holy. Sacredness is ever-present to the mind that is aware of it.

3 Keys To Finding The Sacredness All Around You

#1 – The Air – Feel the air around you. Feel the breeze as it brushes across your skin, surrounding you as you walk. As you do this, breathe deep and feel your connection with life. By being attentive of the 25,000+ breaths you breathe each day, one can fully embrace their connection with life and the sacredness of this moment.

#2 – The Plants – Look around your environment. If you’re in a house, look outside your window and witness the variety of plants growing from the soil. Observe the trees stretching towards the sun, the blades of grass swaying with the breeze, flowers, cactuses, and the variety of plant species surrounding you. Look deep and recognize the flow of Life which is continuously providing them with life. With this state of awareness you see all things are sharing this sacred experience of life with you in this moment.

#3 – Leave The City – One of the most important things this Graffiti Village Tour has reminded me of is the importance of leaving the city often. Leave the city and head to the mountains, to a lake, a river or the ocean at least once a month. As you do this, take time to retreat to a calm area, sit and just be. This reconnects you with you who are, Infinite.

Holy of the Holy

Millions of books have been written and none have been able to fully encompass the sacredness that is ever-present.

With that being said, where is the most sacred place you have been in the past year?

What made it shine with such abundance?

If you haven’t had one of these sacred experiences lately, please head into nature.

You can be apart of the Graffiti Village Tour here.







Jeffon Seely

Three Key Life


3 Keys To Finding The Sacredness All Around You
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