8 Things To Release To Embrace Greater Peace

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Embrace Greater Peace

These past few years, I’ve traveled around America, speaking at a variety of different communities, schools and businesses.

One thing I’ve realized is wherever I go, I take myself with me. I take my happiness, my joy and my peace, but I also take my issues, my seeming problems and struggles as well. If I’m not aware of what I’m packing into my mental suitcase, I may have packed stress where I thought I stored success.

In addition to recognizing this internal suitcase I carry with me throughout life, I’ve had the chance to meet a lot of people. One thing that has stood out as I share my message and conduct workshops is that we are all dealing with something in our lives.

Often the things we are dealing with and carrying with us day to day are the very things draining our peace out from within. Today let us let go of the unnecessary and embrace greater peace.

How We Use Our Power

Before we jump into the 8 things you can release to embrace greater peace, I’d like to invite you to look at your life right now and identify the areas stealing your peace out from within you.

As I asked myself this question I noticed the majority of things stealing my peace out from within are things I’ve chosen to participate in and create in my life.

This includes work that doesn’t align with my purpose, focusing more on the outer world than my inner world, carrying past issues with me into the future, and continuing to focus on the same problems of yesterday in the freshness of today.

You may share some of these peace draining activities, which leads me to ask this question, why would we ever do things that would steal our peace out from within us?

The more we understand we are the one who build our experience, the more we’ll see we can do things that bring us peace just as easily as we can do things that take the peace out from within us.

The choice is yours.

8 Things To Release To Embrace Greater Peace

1 – The Past – It is difficult to move toward new and better opportunities in this moment if we’re dragging the pain of the past along with us. One way to heal the wounds of yesterday and find forgiveness is to see that both the good and bad of the past has made you into the person you are today. You now have the choice to be poisoned by the past or use it as fuel to propel you into more peace, appreciation and abundance.

2 – Perfection – If you are waiting for everything to be perfect and the stars to align, you may wait forever. It has been said that perfection is a wonderful tool for procrastination. I encourage you to look deeper and recognize the spiritual perfection that has been with you before you took your first breath. As you embrace this, releasing the “image” you think you have to be, you give yourself permission to blossom into the unique one of a kind person you are.

3 – Expectations From Others – If we leave our happiness and peace up to another person we’ll never find it. If we spend our lives living up to someone’s expectations, fulfilling their dreams they have for us, we dismiss our own genius and never blossom into our highest potential. Release others expectations, follow your own light, build your dreams and do so in such a way that you inspire others along their voyage.

4 – Negative Self Image – The world will respond to us according to the way we view ourselves. If we’re moving through this world with a negative self-image, this negativity shines back at us through our daily interactions, our conversations, and dictates how the world responds to us. Raise the image you have of yourself through self love, taking time to work on the things that bring you joy and seeing your journey of life as sacred.

5 – Seeing Yourself as Separate – One powerful thing that steals peace out from within us is focusing on the things that separate us as a human family. If we’re unable to see the innumerable things that connect us with one another, things like this planet, air, food, water, family, life, and love, then we begin focus on the things we think separates us like skin color, flags, religions, and imaginary borders. If we saw each other as one, would borders even have to exist? Seek first to understand, then to be understood.

6 – Keeping Up with the Joneses – Here in America, the average household debt is nearly $200k. Huge houses, luxurious cars, credit cards on demand, new clothes, student loans and the latest models of tv’s, shoes, phones and computers keep the majority of people stuck in place with an anchor of debt. While many strive to look better than the person next to them, most don’t realize the people they are “competing” with are broke. Be true to you, not the “average.”

7 – Toxic Thoughts – It is difficult to have a positive life with negative thoughts. One of the easiest, yet most complicated ways to bring self-peace into your life is to think. I know we are always thinking but I’d like to encourage you to think consciously and be aware of the thoughts you are giving permission to dwell within your mind. Have the awareness to catch the negative thoughts when they pop into your mind and replace them with positive ones. Positive thoughts create a positive life.

8 – Negative News and Entertainment – If you’re filling your mind with murders, bombings, war, selfish lyrics, drama filled shows and scandalous movies, what do you expect you’ll find in your life? I’m not saying never to watch tv, movies or listen to substance-less music but I am asking you to spend more time reading, meditating or doing something constructive than you do filling your mind with someone else telling you a vision.

Bringing Peace to the World

As you let these 8 things go you’ll uncover more peace in your individual life. As you find this peace you become a beacon of light to your family, your workplace, your community and our world.

If each man kept his front porch clean (and the yard around it), the entire world would be clean.

Do your part, release the unnecessary and emanate greater peace.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


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8 Things To Release To Embrace Greater Peace
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