Cutting Away the Untrue: Revealing the True You

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Cutting Away the Untrue

A few years back my life was in shambles. I was searching for books that could raise my spirits and show me a sure shot way to reach success. I watched movies like The Secret and tried law of attraction practices, but my limiting beliefs outweighed my beliefs about success and fulfillment. Around this same time one of my friends invited me to join her for a business workshop held in my then home town of Seattle.

Believing I would discover a magic formula to reverse my negative circumstances, I went. The workshop revealed little about how to turn your business into a success, instead the majority of time was dedicated to pitching us on buying a $20,000 program so they could show us how. Having less than $200 dollars to my name, I left the workshop even more defeated.

As I reflect on this interesting time of my life, I can’t help imagining all the people in our world searching to become better, become happier or become more fulfilled. Millions of books are purchased, workshops like the one I went to are placed on credit cards in the hopes of reaching abundance, television shows depict people who’ve made it, and churches are filled with individuals trying to save themselves from something.

What I’ve realized as I’ve walked this pathway of life is that there are many things that can help you add more knowledge and wisdom to your life and help you reach new levels. But there is one practice that can make you more happy, fulfilled, enlightened and prosperous than any other.

All we must do is crumble away all the untrue things we have constructed about ourselves so that the real you and I can be revealed.

Identifying the Untrue

Why do you live the way you do?

We are all living at the level of our consciousness. What we believe we deserve, we typically receive. Many of us have constructed elaborate untruths we’ve used as building materials to create our lives.

As we’ve compared ourselves with the successes of others, believing our lives cannot be as great as theirs, we’ve laid a foundation of unworthiness. This faulty foundation propelled us to pursue jobs that sap the joy and creativity from our spirits.

As we added the weight of responsibility to our lives and stacked it onto this false foundation of limiting beliefs, the foundation sunk into a pit of low self-esteem and despair. For some, this reveals its face when they are asked what their long-term goals are, what their dreams are, and they have no answer due to lack of belief in fulfilling these things.

The curse of average has swept through the lives of countless individuals, resulting in some of the brightest and most intelligent minds settling into jobs that drain them. Soon they believe they can’t achieve what was in their hearts many years ago and begin to stagnate in a comfort zone of their own creation.

What causes us to focus on false ideas about ourselves?
What causes us to not believe in our unique abilities, seeking something from the outside world to make our lives more fulfilled?

Is it not true we’ve all been brought into this world by an Infinite Presence that has been flowing through all things before the beginning of time? Can we not recognize this incredible power within ourselves and soar out of ruts and darkness into the light of our own spirit?

It is time to clear away the untrue, the false ideas and limiting beliefs about ourselves. It is time to demolish the foundation of the false and the house we’ve built upon it. It is time to reveal the truth of who and what we are. This work can only take place within ourselves and it is something we must do alone.

If you can do this, suddenly you see there is only one you and you are more powerful, capable and extraordinary than you could ever imagine.

3 Keys To Cutting Away the Untrue

#1 – False Thoughts – If you are thinking negative, dark and false thoughts day in and day out, those thoughts become the building blocks of your experience. When these thoughts float into your mind, you can shift from these negative thoughts to positive ones. There is one practice however that outweighs just replacing your thoughts. This is the practice of watching your thoughts from the perspective that you are not the thoughts floating through your mind, but you are that which empowers the thoughts in your mind. Watch the thoughts you give power to. You need not attach to any thought, you can simply be and recognize that you are the assembler of your reality. Clear the false thoughts.

#2 – Connection with Life – If you are focused on all the things you have to be grateful for, the untrue crumbles away with ease and grace. We believe the negative things about ourselves only because we have lost connection with the Life that greets us each moment. The only thing that can break our connection with Life is forgetting how connected we are with everything. To create this endless gratitude, acknowledge and recognize your heart that beats, the breaths you breathe, the earth beneath you, the universe above you and the abundance that flows through it all. If your mind, heart and spirit are connected to all of these things, gratitude becomes ever-present.

#3 – Building a Foundation of Truth – As you cut away the untrue, you see that no one person is responsible for your happiness, joy, peace or abundance. You are filled with Life Itself and assist in the co-creation of your life each day. This is done by the way you think, choose, act and use your time and energy moment by moment. Moving with this understanding, your life no longer stands on the weak foundation of the false, but the solid rocks of truth.

The True You

When there are no untrue ideas, false beliefs, and negative thoughts left about who you are, the true you reveals itself effortlessly.

If we were all willing to align with the truth of who we are, depression would cease and happiness would overflow, religions would dwindle to near none because we are in alignment with the best qualities of our spirit. The need to out-do another would stop because we’d recognize we are all connected.

This week, crumble away the false and be the true you.






Jeffon Seely

Three Key Life

Cutting Away the Untrue: Revealing the True You
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