3 Keys to Clear Negativity From Life

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Clear Negativity From Life

Anything done with negative energy gets contaminated by it. Negativity acts as a poison that can seep into relationships, environments and situations and taint even the most abundant opportunity or experience with darkness.

It not only poisons the person who is experiencing a negative feeling, but it is contagious and picked up by the people around this person overflowing with negative energy.

In business, this negative energy can steal deals and profit from your company. It causes people to be difficult to work with and repels others.

In our personal lives, negative energy not only contaminates our homes and businesses but pollutes our inner worlds.

In our relationships, negative energy can sever even the most harmonious bonds and cause people to go their separate ways.

The one positive thing about experiencing any negative emotion, feeling or thought is that we need not allow it to occupy our minds, hearts, and spirits. Instead, we can shift our energy from feeding the negative to centering ourselves on the positive.

Shifting To a State of Being

Negativity cannot survive if you are willing to see the best in all things. This includes seeing the best in the difficult and dark.

The negative cannot exist within ourselves the moment we realize we have a choice as to whether or not we’ll feed the negative or positive.

Most importantly, the negative cannot exist the moment we reconnect with the present moment. When we are fully centered in the now, the only thing that exists is what we are choosing to fuel in our minds. We can make the choice to not fuel any thoughts and just simply be.

We are then in a state of being unattached to thoughts and emotions. In this state, we are connected to who we truly are.

Free. Empowered. The Decision-Maker within.

So if negativity can only flourish within you if you allow it, below are a few keys to help you clear the negative next time it enters your experience.

3 Keys To Clear Negativity From Life

#1 – Catch Yourself – When you feel negativity arise within yourself, become aware of it and remind yourself that you can shift it. You need not become a victim of it. Remember that you are the one who fuels the feelings, thoughts and emotions inside of yourself.

#2 – Make the Shift – After you catch the negativity when it reveals itself within, you can choose to shift it. You can make that shift by being connected to the present moment of now. You need not choose the positive, but instead, be connected with this moment and from there you are no longer ruled by emotions, thoughts or feelings. This is a pure state of being.  

#3 – Be Your Best – If you are willing to be your best, despite the outside occurrences, you can keep yourself in a state of peace and positivity. Peace, positivity, compassion, and joy can always be found within youK). Be in the moment and be your best. From this state, nothing can stop you.

Clear The Negative

Clear the negative from your life by connecting with the present moment.

Clear the negative from your day by embracing your ability to shift your mind and heart.

Keep the peace and positivity around you by just being.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


3 Keys to Clear Negativity From Life
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