The Greatest Temple of All: The Body Temple

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A little over a week ago I did a gratitude post here on Three Key Life about the Most Incredible Vehicle, our body. I was reading over it the other day and I realized I only exposed the tip of the iceberg.

I’d like to take this idea a step further.

The Body Temple

We’ve all probably had an opportunity at least once in our lifetime to either visit or drive past a religious temple.

Witnessing the immaculate building or stood in awe at the glorious decorations of the religious shrine.

Throughout my youth, I often visited the religious temples in my hometown of Salt Lake City, Utah and vividly remember experiencing this sense of awe.

Today, I now see that though these “holy” places of worship congregate great numbers of people and radiate a brilliance, these temples fail in comparison to the temples we’ve all came equipped with.

Our Bodies.

Each day that we’ve awoke, we’ve had the privilege of dwelling in this sacred sanctuary.

A place that’s filled with life.

Atoms thrive within the countless cells that compose our bodies. Within each of these cells are elements which can be found throughout the cosmos.

Through a harmonious process, these cells work in such a way that organs are produced. All of which is contained within this body temple we walk around in.

Each day we offer thoughts, choices and actions as offerings brought forth by our individual consciousness.

In addition to the thoughts, choices and actions we also offer various foods and substances day after day.

All of which builds our body temples.

Within this temple, you are the holy of holies.

What you do to it and where you direct it, is only for you to decide.

Giving Thanks in the Temple

When people venture into religious temples throughout our world, it’s usually to connect with something Higher.

We can do the same within ourselves.

As we begin to consciously open our minds to the vast life within our bodies now; all of which aligns in such a way that we are able to live, thanks becomes a constant state.

At the center of our body temple is the spark of Life Itself.

The I in I.

The Essence which empowers our cells to divide, our hearts to beat, blood to flow, lungs to breathe, and overall system to function.

You and I, a piece of the whole.

Offerings in the Temple

By living with a grateful spirit, honoring the multitude of life within us that supports us moment after moment, we now must open our awareness to the offerings that we are bringing into our temples.

There are numerous things offered each day. Whether it’s thoughts, choices, actions, food, drinks, smoke, alcohol, information, the list goes on….

The great part about these offerings is that they’re brought forth by only one person.


Nobody can enter into your temple and trample on your holy grounds except you. (Three Key Tweet)

Recognizing you are the “Holy Elder, the Sanctified Saint, the Divine Essence,” you can now intentionally begin presenting offerings unto your temple which can empower it in life expanding ways.

We can do this easily through the foods we consume on a daily basis, as well as the thoughts we allow to frequent our minds.

We can feed ourselves healthy food, vibrant thoughts and sustaining choices which align with the life that supports us to arise.

Treat both the food and thoughts that you present to your body as if you are offering it to the Most High Itself.

Opening our minds to conscious and intentional living.

3 Keys to Honor Your Body Temple

#1 – Daily – Begin to create a routine that takes time each day to recognize, honor and consciously empower your being. I wrote a short ebook that you can use to begin this inspiring process. You can get my free ebook by subscribing to the TKL Newsletter below.

#2 – Nutrition & Exercise – Get up and move your body often. Intentionally strengthen it through exercise. Replenish your body with healthy, nutritional food.

#3 – Stillness & Meditation – Pause daily to recognize the common threads which hold all of life together. Witness how your body temple is the vessel which houses your entire expression. Through this body, you are connected to all.


Find a way to be grateful for life. Not just a small piece of it, but it’s entirety.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life



Body Temple Photo Credit: legends2k via photopin cc
The Greatest Temple of All: The Body Temple
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