Bite Size Inspiration and Empowerment: 3 Key Insights To Remind Yourself Each Day

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Bite Size Inspiration and Empowerment

I am an inspiration and empowerment junkie. I’ll admit it.

I love searching through books, browsing through quotes and various articles on the web that are centered in what I like to call Truth.

By Truth I don’t mean religious doctrines or passed down knowledge from one generation to another.

What I am referring to is the Universal, Inclusive Truth that connects us all.

In the past few years, I’ve faced some uphill voyages. Challenges regarding moving to a new state, starting my business and developing my public speaking skills.

I’ve spent time reflecting upon my life, giving thanks for my once seemingly difficult upbringing in Salt Lake City, Utah and the love from my family and friends.

I’ve spent time envisioning the future, embracing the possibilities that await me and my life as well as centering myself in the present moment; the only moment we have.

Through this process I’ve uncovered 3 Key Insights that I keep fresh on my mind and in my heart each day to provide me with immediate inspiration, motivation and empowerment.

I’d like to share these powerful insights with you.

Before I do, let me mention the following disclaimer:

**Inspiration and Empowerment Disclaimer

You can only be as empowered and inspired as you allow yourself to be.

Let me repeat. You dictate the level of your inspiration and empowerment each day.

If you move throughout your day with an attitude of gloom and an outlook of despair, you could bump into the Buddha himself and still not be empowered.

On the flipside, you can go through the darkest corridors of life, filled with trials and tribulations, and still be able to find a light of empowerment and inspiration within.

You must be the source of your inspiration and empowerment.

Your inspiration and empowerment must flow from the inside out.

3 Key Insights To Remind Yourself Each Day

#1 – One You – From now until forever, there will never be another you. Have you realized your life is precious? Whether you have or haven’t a great exercise to help you embrace this truth is to sit in peace and quietness, consciously recognizing that your time upon this Earth is finite. You will not be here forever. Embracing the truth that there is only ONE YOU and your finite time upon this planet, ask yourself, how would I like to share my Essence, Energy and Life with the world?

After asking this question listen for the answer and waste no time putting your insights into action. Share your gifts, talents and unique abilities in the breath you breathe today. There will never be another YOU.

#2 – Your Life Is A Miracle – You are a miracle. Think about it, from the way this planet was created, the unique history of your ancestors throughout the ages, the birth of your parents, the way they met, and your conception. Opening your mind to the way your cells formed and aligned, filled with atoms and infinite energy, organs developing, all leading to the birth of your being. Look back at your upbringing from your youth to adolescence and into adulthood. There are too many things that went right to even count.

Whenever your mind gets down in the dumps or the murky path of negativity, remind yourself that YOU are a miracle.

#3 – You Affect Things – Each thought, each choice and each action throughout your day sends a ripple out into our world. The final insight that can lead to greater inspiration and empowerment is consciously remembering you are affecting the people and world around you each moment of each day.

For those that truly recognize their effect on the world around them, they understand that which they do unto another, they do unto themselves. The way we treat the Earth, reflects the way we treat ourselves.

Merging These Insights Into Practical Action

Though these insights have provided me with additional inspiration and empowerment, it’s very difficult to create an inner transformation without practical application of these insights.

I’d like to share some practical ways you can apply these empowering and inspiring insights to your life today.

  • What are the 3 most important things you must do today to lead you to where you’d like to be tomorrow? (Next week, next month, next year)
    • Ensure you are committing your finite time and abundant energy towards things that bring joy, peace and prosperity to both you and our world.
  • Consciously Create Your Own Luck
    • Please remember that you are the master craftsman (or woman) in your experience.
  • Any time things aren’t looking the best in your life, intentionally set yourself up to create a new experience. If your faith and confidence start to diminish, remind yourself of the miracle of Life that fills you.
    • Use this Miracle of Life to propel you towards your dreams.
  • Every evening spend time reflecting upon the choices and actions you’ve committed to that day.
    • Ask yourself, did my thoughts, choices and actions add more positive or negative to my world and the lives of others?

Make it your mission to add a little more positivity to your life each day.

(Three Key Tweet)


Be grateful for Life.

Be grateful for the innumerable things that created You.

Be grateful knowing that you can use this life in a positive, empowering and inspiring way.

Be grateful for others.

I am grateful for you.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life

Inspiration and Empowerment photo credit: IMG_0947 via photopin (license)
Bite Size Inspiration and Empowerment: 3 Key Insights To Remind Yourself Each Day
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