3 Empowering Spiritual Practices That Can Free You From Struggle, Stress, and Stagnation

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Empowering Spiritual Practices That Can Help You Find Your Light

When we look out across our globe, it doesn’t take long to identify one of the major things we all have in common, religion and spirituality. In fact, of the 7+ billion people walking upon this rotating rock we call home, 4.6 billion of us affiliate with one of 5 major religions, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism.

Looking deeper into these religions and the various other spiritual paths people walk, we see numerous commonalities.

The enlightened minds whose teachings fill the spiritual texts of these major religions highlight the importance of remaining connected with the Essence of Life that fills all things, the importance of honoring yourself, others and the planet we are upon.

Aside from this universal view of the “One,” there are a handful of other things these prophets, gurus and enlightened individuals highlighted throughout their lives. Looking deeper within the scriptures and ancient texts, pushing aside the things that separate these traditions from each other, we find 3 more common keys.

It is these Keys I’d like to highlight in this post.

These 3 Keys have the power to free you from burdens, rise above stress and reconnect with the Essence of Life that awakens you each morning.

These 3 Keys that flow through these religious and spiritual traditions are Meditation, Mindfulness and Prayer.

How These Spiritual Practices Improve Our Lives

With people working at jobs that bring them little to no satisfaction, unhappiness is reaching epidemic proportions. With people pushing their dreams and gifts to the side because of the demand from bills, stress fills a large number of people who settle into an average life.

With thoughts of worry and fear popping into people’s minds the minute they envision their future, struggles and suffering appear.

While hardships and difficulties arise from time to time, it is these 3 Key Spiritual Practices that can help you center yourself in gratitude, inspire your thoughts to think more positive and redirect your actions towards your gifts, dreams and aspirations.

The greatest part about these spiritual practices is they not only alleviate these negative characteristics affecting billions of people, but they help individuals remember who they truly are; empowered by Life each moment of each day.

Reconnecting with this Essence of Life within, we realize the solution we seek dwells within the Life that enables us to create a problem. It dwells within.

You are It.

3 Empowering Spiritual Practices

#1 – Meditation – When most people hear the word meditation they run. Most people have yet to find that place of peace that is ever-present within themselves. Realizing this, I encourage you to embrace meditation slow and subtle.

This can be done by sitting peacefully, realizing that you are living, focusing on your breath, your heart that beats and Essence that fills your body temple. Find a few moments each day to dwell within the peace and presence that fills you. Doing so, you’ll be able to uncover this peaceful state and be present with it throughout your day to day life.

#2 – Mindfulness – The practice of mindfulness helps one embrace the Life that fills all things. A great way to implement this practice in your life is the next time you’re walking down the street, gazing at a person, plant, or tree, open your mind to the innumerable things that have taken place which have enabled that or them to exist.

When walking beneath a tree bring to mind the small seed from which it came, the mother tree which dropped the seed, the soil which was patiently awaiting the seed, the sun that empowered the seed, the water that fed the seed and you, who now gazes at an incredible act of creation. Be mindful everywhere you go and suddenly you find your connection with it All.

#3 – Prayer – There are people who shy away from prayer because they don’t feel like there is a man in the sky granting wishes. Others pray each night as if they are sending a wish list to Santa Claus.

The prayer I am referring to is more of a constant state of gratitude. The prayer I am referring to is the kind of prayer that brings into your awareness the innumerable things supporting you each day. This can be done by opening your mind and heart to the Life that not only dwells in you but within all, realizing your oneness with this Presence. As you do this, continue to keep your heart and mind open to the Life within, understanding that everything you do in this experience you do through the Life which you are. This will bring comfort, a sense of support and the realization that we have innumerable things to be grateful for.

Using These Spiritual Practices In The Days Ahead

To some, this may feel like an information overload, others may already practice these ideas, while some might not resonate with these spiritual practices at all.

Understanding this, I’d like to encourage you to start slow, and invite these powerful practices into your life by doing the following:

  • Set aside some time each day to sit in the peace and presence of your being while focusing on your breath. Whether it’s for 30 seconds or 30 minutes, take time daily to connect with Life.
  • When you feel stressed, upset or depressed, open your consciousness to the practice of mindfulness. Remember, you are existing on a planet orbiting in an infinite universe. Be mindful of everything that is taking place in this moment of now, feel the support and love that flows through, and from, All. Life is ever-present.
  • Spend a minute or two in prayer, not the prayer that is sent to the North Pole for the holiday, but a prayer of gratitude. Each night before going to sleep, embrace the part of you which enables you to awaken, for this is the Essence of Life Itself.

Embracing these 3 simple spiritual practices, stress, frustration, overwhelm, fear, worry and doubt cease as peace, poise, prosperity and appreciation expand in abundant ways.

You are the One.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life

Photo Credit: Unsplash
3 Empowering Spiritual Practices That Can Free You From Struggle, Stress, and Stagnation
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